I am doing something a little different in my blog this week. I wrote this devotional as part of a church project. Our Pastor asked about 20 members to choose an Advent topic; Hope, Peace, Joy or Love, and write a devotional on that topic. All of the individual devotions were combined into a booklet and distributed to the congregation.
I chose to write on Hope. I have had a very long season of hardship and I know what it feels like to wonder if things will ever improve. I know what it feels like to cling to hope in desperation. I know what it’s like to fully surrender and rely on God for every single thing.
If you have questions about Jesus and how much he loves you, I would be happy to chat with you. God loves each and every human on this earth and wants as many as possible to join Him and His heavenly family in eternity.
SCRIPTURE- Romans 8:24-25
For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience. (ESV)

Life is a rollercoaster, with seasons of blessing and others of drought. For the past couple of years, many of us have experienced an extended season of hardship. Things have been difficult. At times, it feels like the blessings will never return. We turn on the news and there seems to be no hope. We interact with people and find ourselves being disappointed time and time again. Our circumstances are ever-changing, leaving many feeling hopeless. When we focus on the things of this world, we feel full of despair, defeated and completely deflated.
However, when we shift our focus to Jesus, everything changes. One of my favorite Christmas songs is “O Holy Night.” Whenever I hear, “A thrill of HOPE, the weary world rejoices,” I want to jump up and shout! The birth, death and resurrection of Christ gives us eternal hope. When we learn to put all of our hope in the Lord, we don’t have to be weary. Look to the good news of the Bible, not man’s news. Walk with Jesus and you will learn to love others as He does. Focus on the steadfastness Jesus offers, not your current circumstances. He is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8).
For those who put their faith in Jesus, there is hope. As we celebrate His birth, let us remember where our hope comes from. It comes from the Lord. It comes from the birth of a Savior. It comes from knowing that, despite the circumstances of our lives and the world around us, God is our rock, our firm foundation.
When the world seems to be in chaos, hold on to hope. Even when you see no reason to do so, hold on to hope. Wait patiently for the Lord.
For 1 week, try doing one, or all, of the following. I guarantee you will experience renewed hope, unexplainable peace and unspeakable joy.

- Isaiah 12:5 Sing to the Lord, for he has done glorious things. Let this be known throughout the earth. Listen to Christian music and praise the Lord. Choose a worship song or carol that gives you hope. Sing or speak all of the lyrics, considering why it gives you hope. Consider telling someone today about the hope that Christ gives you.
- 2 Timothy 3:16-17 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. Turn off the news and tune into God’s Word. You can read the Bible or listen to it using BibleGateway.
- Mark 11:24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. The next time you feel anxious or fearful, go to God in prayer.